ReFlex Whiteboard Overlay – Refresco Blog

ReFlex Whiteboard Overlay – Refresco Blog


Refresco are the world’s largest independent bottler of beverages for retailers and A-brands with production in Europe, North America and Mexico.

Manufacturing companies are a large part of Visco’s customers, therefore we were extremely pleased when Refresco approached us with the idea of rejuvenating there existing whiteboards with more up to date designs.


The Brief

Due to Refresco already having whiteboards in place in their manufacturing workplace, they wanted a product that would allow them to update their existing designs without having to pay to incur the cost of replacing all their existing whiteboards.

At Visco we always have the customer in mind when developing our products, that’s why we’re able to offer a cost effective solution to companies such as Refresco who already have fully functioning whiteboards being used on a daily basis. In industries like these, continuous improvement is essential and our Overlays are the perfect product to help aid the new ideas.

The Solution

In this instance Refresco decided that our printed ReFlex overlay is ideal. The ReFlex is an easy to fit vinyl that can be applied by any beginner – no experience with vinyl is needed at all! The ReFlex is designed to fit inside pre existing boards so all relevant measurement were taken to ensure the perfect fit.

overlayOnce the client had decided on the product, we worked with Refresco on the design of their whiteboards, ensuring all key information was displayed in a visually effective way. All designs were printed following the strict brand guidelines of Refresco to ensure consistency throughout their workplace.

Our production team printed and then simply rolled the Reflex into a tube, despatching with fitting instructions for the Refresco team to fit. We have received nothing but positive comments from the decision maker on the Reflex product saying how easy the product was to fit and how impressive the drywipe surface was compared to previous whiteboards they had purchased. Their happiness with the product resulted in an additional 15 overlays being ordered to complete phase 1 of their factory overhaul.

The ReFlex really is the perfect product if you want to uplift your existing whiteboards, however don’t want to incur the cost of replacing them all. This is extremely common in the manufacturing industry where they usually have printed whiteboards in place, however the boards are outdated and look visually unappealing when they have visitors. For more details on our ReFlex product click here